What Baby Boomers Need
The most exciting time of your life is set to begin-your second act. The time of your life that should be filled with days of traveling, spending time with your grandchildren, and exploring new places and things, not worrying about your health. Nearly four times as many boomers worry about their health more than they worry about their finances or outliving their money. Many boomers believe that health is out of their control, but it really isn’t.
Ramona works with baby boomers to teach them everything that they need to know about getting and staying healthy, so they can focus on the things that really matter in life. She will help you answer the question, “Will my golden years be healthy?” with an emphatic YES. She will make sure of it. Ask about her programs today.
Some of the health challenges facing baby boomers include:
Diabetes-According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2011 people ages 65 to74 were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 13 times as often as people age 45 or younger. Diabetes can carry with it a host of complications including: heart disease, kidney disease, vision loss, nerve damage, high blood pressure, and amputation. Type 2 Diabetes is a lifestyle disease.
Heart disease-Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women over age 60. The chances of developing heart disease significantly increase after age 45. Heart disease is largely preventable through a healthy lifestyle.
Cancer-Cancer is the second leading cause of death for those over age 65. Many forms of cancer are linked to lifestyle choices.
Alzheimer’s Disease-Alzheimer’s Disease is most common in people 65 and older. Evidence suggests a link between brain health and health of the heart and blood vessels. A healthy lifestyle has been show to protect brain health.
Flu/Pneumonia-Flu and pneumonia are among the Top 10 causes of death for older adults. A nutritional deficiency is the most common cause of depressed immunity. A healthy diet and lifestyle will boost your immunity and do much in preventing these potentially deadly conditions.
Aging doesn’t mean that we are destined for sickness. Making the right choices when it comes to our health will make all the difference in the world in preventing very serious chronic health conditions. Ramona will show you what those choices should be and put you in control of your health, so that you can get back to enjoying your life.